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Aberdeen Lynx

Become an Aberdeen Lynx Ice Hockey Club Partner

A partnership with Aberdeen Lynx Ice Hockey Club can greatly benefit your business whilst supporting the development of sport within your local community.

We have a range of options which can be customised to suit your corporate and individual needs. 

Aberdeen Ice Hockey Club is a registered charity in Scotland (SC051762), regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator.

Sponsorship Opportinities

Packages to suit all budgets

Reach, Be Seen an Engage

Reach one of the largest supported sports in Aberdeen and be seen across media channels with rinkside banners and game sponsors to online and social media exposure. 

  • Advertising/Corporate Identity
  • Great PR Exposure
  • Social Media Presence
  • Product Placement
  • VIP Opportunities
  • Corporate Entertainment
  • Corporate Engagement
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • An association with one of the largest sporting events in the city

A Valued Partnership for Your Organisation

Aberdeen Lynx has a large, passionate community and an ever-growing following. Reach an impassioned community, new clients, all whilst supporting sport and junior development in your area. 

  • Work with you to establish your key objectives
  • Establish effective routes for delivering these objectives
  • Ensure benefits of the partnership are maximised
  • Develop a longer-term partnership agreement where applicable
  • Communicate the partnership and your business to our supporters and those of other clubs
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    Any questions? Just ask!