We would like to thank Aberdeen Lynx Ice Hockey Supporters Club for their continued support in the stands at home and away games and also to welcome them as sponsors of Man Of The Match this season.
The supporters club are a big presence at all our games bringing the noise with the drum and getting behind the team on the ice. The club is made up of dedicated Lynx followers so we couldn’t think of a better fit for this seasons Man Of The Match sponsor.
A spokes person for the Aberdeen Lynx IHSC said, “The Lynx IHSC Committee has had a wee reshuffle this year and would like to take this opportunity to thank founding members Brian and Chrisanne for all their hard work leading the club over the past 6 seasons.
The Lynx IHSC is still in the early days of restructuring but keep your eyes peeled for some exciting news to come throughout the season!! We are a friendly bunch and no doubts you will recognise some familiar faces from around the rink.
We would love to hear from you guys with any comments or suggestions of what you would like to see from the Lynx IHSC. So don’t be shy, check out our social media pages and feel free to say hi when you see us on game nights.”
The new Aberdeen Lynx Ice Hockey Supporters Club Committee are:
• Chair – Tess Martin
• Vice Chair– Stephie Simpson
• Treasurer/Secretary – Tracey Noles/Ashley Simpson
• General Members – Chrisanne Aitken, David Swanson, Kevin Smith, Philippa Macken, Joe Macken
You can follow the Lynx IHSC on :
Facebook – Aberdeen Lynx IHSC
Twitter – @AberdeenLynxSC
Instagram – @aberdeen_lynx_ihsc
Email – aberdeenlynxsc@gmail.com
