With his dry sense of humour as sharp as his puck protection we are delighted that #13 Jonathan Hogan is back for the 22/23 season.
A experienced and talented forward Jonathan is never shy of getting stuck in and getting the job done on the ice.
Jonathan said, “I feel like last season was a great first season for coach Leyden and everyone can agree the players done their job and stuck to the game plan for the most part. Sucks we just came up short but that’s life. Been a great golf season with the John Daly “grip it and rip it” mentality and the diet of fizzy juice and smashing BBQ’s has been the best but we are coming to the end of it and now time to try and get back under 200lbs. I may have to work a little on my speed before the season starts but my puck protection should be up there. Look forward to getting back on the ice and seeing what line mates I will be working with.”
Coach Jordan Leyden commented, “Another home grown talent comes back which is great for the club. Whenever Jonathan was able to make games he made a huge impact. On his day he’s up there with the best in the league and with more games this season we hope to see an even bigger impact from Hogan this year.”