We are thrilled to announce that the Aberdeen Lynx Ice Hockey Supporters Club (IHSC) is back this year as the Man of the Match sponsor! This partnership continues to strengthen the bond between our dedicated fans and our incredible players, making every game an unforgettable experience.
The supporters club members are genuinely excited to sponsor the Man of the Match award once again. As they put it, “Aberdeen Lynx IHSC are delighted to be sponsoring Man of the Match again this season. Giving members of the Supporters Club the opportunity to present it has been a great benefit to the close relationship between the fans and the players seen here at Lynx. They go home with a lasting memory of meeting one of the Lynx players, who knows maybe even their sporting hero, and get to experience what the huge crowds look and sound like from the players’ perspective.”
But the Aberdeen Lynx IHSC does more than just sponsor awards. They are the heartbeat of support for our team, igniting the crowd with their drums and chants, conducting a heartfelt food bank collection during Christmas, and spreading festive cheer as Santa’s little helpers, with some goodies for the young fans.

If you’re eager to join the Aberdeen Lynx IHSC and be a part of this passionate community, don’t hesitate to reach out to them via email at aberdeenlynxsc@gmail.com.
And for those who want to take a more active role behind the scenes, mark your calendars for the Aberdeen Lynx IHSC AGM, taking place at 4pm Saturday 9th September at the Lynx Ice Arena.